Saturday, November 13, 2010

Feels like the first time...

Feels like the very first time! Mainly because there could actually be a person, or even two, who may read this.

I had a desperate urge to create and write a blog some months ago (perhaps longer...) and urged my poor Techie (not Trekkie) husband to make me one asap, dammit. He spent some time fiddling with codes and stuff (Drupal), and I spent quite a bit of time selecting the background, and agonising over a name... and then when the important decisions were made, I may have done one post... and a book review or two... and that was it. It was connected to our own personal and seldom updated corner of the world wide wicked web, and I didn't tell anyone about it either. So because no one knew about it or read it, I didn't add to it. And because I didn't add to it, I didn't tell anyone about it. Who wants to know about a blog that never gets written? And, being a member of Goodreads, I write the occasional review on there, and I am active on Facebook and it annoyed me that they couldn't all be connected in a simple way. I could connect Goodreads to Facebook, and Goodreads to my blog, but not all three. So that was annoying too.

At this early stage of the game I have no idea if Goodreads, Facebook, and Blooger... sorry, Blogger can connect. But that's ok. I'm pretty sure someone will read this anyway. It's a work thing, but I think that's a good thing.


  1. Hey gorgeous! I love your first post! Yay for blogging :)

    If you go to Goodreads, there's a widget where you can copy the text and paste it on your blog to create a mini goodreads list on the side of the page. That's *sort of* connecting them! Yay!

    If you're not sure what I mean, you can see an example of it on my blog and I can show you how to do it at work :)

  2. yeah, i kind of figured it out... i've a goodreads icon going... but not a fancy pants picturey one that you have! i'll give it another looksee when i can be bothered ie when i don't have kiddies pestering me for stuff :)
